Face & Neck
Face And Neck Lift, Dr Kenny Segwapa Aesthetics
Face and Neck Lift
A facelift (Rhytidectomy) is an operation in which the loose muscles of the face and neck are tightened, the skin re-draped and the excess trimmed off to provide an improvement in facial contour.

It is a procedure done to give a rejuvenated appearance and is beneficial whenever there is excessive sagging of facial and neck skin.

A wide subcutaneous facelift is usually performed with SMAS plication (tightening of the superficial muscle system). The incision starts in the temporal hairline, progresses in a natural crease line in front of the ear, then up behind the ear hugging the earlobe and back into the hairline behind the ear. The incision behind the ear is made high up to prevent the tell-tale signs of a facelift. A drain is left overnight and the patient is wrapped up with bandages to prevent swelling and bruising. Although the surgical scars are permanent, the incisions are placed in natural crease lines so that they are barely discernible. The exact position of the scars will be discussed at your consultation.

It is never possible to remove all the folds of the skin nor eliminate all the wrinkles. A conservative amount of skin will be removed. Occasionally additional procedures may be done at the same time as a facelift, such as eyelid surgery, neck surgery or fat fillers. These options would all be discussed in full pre-operatively.

Additional Information
  • Duration of operation: 3 hours
  • Anaesthetic: General anaesthetic
  • Hospital stay: 1-2 nights
  • Driving: 3-5 days
  • Back to work: 1-2 weeks
  • Exercise: 4 weeks
Blepharoplasty Eyelid Surgery, Dr Kenny Segwapa Aesthetics
Blepharoplasty (Eyelid surgery)
Blepharoplasty is a surgical procedure to remove excess skin and muscle from the upper and/or lower eyelids. Underlying fatty tissue that produces bagginess can be selectively removed or repositioned.

A blepharoplasty can improve drooping skin and bagginess. It can help improve vision in older patients who have hooding of their upper eyelids. The resultant scar is a fine line, which falls into the natural crease. Lower eyelid surgery can be performed as a direct surgical approach, with an incision just below the lower eyelashes (in the natural crease) to excise excess bags of fat and excess skin.

Blepharoplasty surgery is customised for every patient, depending on his or her particular needs. It can be performed alone, involving upper, lower or both eyelid regions, or in conjunction with other surgical procedures of the eye, face or nose. In some patients, who have looseness between the lower eyelid and the eyeball, consideration for tightening of the lower eyelid (canthoplasty/canthopexy) at the time of the blepharoplasty may be recommended.

Eyelid surgery cannot stop the process of ageing. It can however, diminish the look of loose skin and bagginess in the eyelid region. Although it can add an upper eyelid crease to the Asian eyelid, it will not erase evidence of one’s racial or ethnic heritage. A blepharoplasty will not remove “crow’s feet” or other wrinkles, eliminate dark circles under the eyes, or lift sagging eyebrows.

Additional Information
  • Duration of operation: Single lid – 1 hour; both lids – 2 hours
  • Anaesthetic: Conscious sedation if performed in doctor’s rooms or general anaesthetic if performed in theatre
  • Hospital stay: Same day if performed under conscious sedation or 1 night if performed under general anaesthesia
  • Driving: 3-5 days
  • Back to work: 1-2 weeks
  • Exercise: 4 weeks

Registrations & Affiliations

Clients 0000 ISAPS Logo, Dr Kenny Segwapa Aesthetics
Clients 0002 APRASSA Logo, Dr Kenny Segwapa Aesthetics
AHPCSA, Dr Kenny Segwapa Aesthetics